Komodo IDE — интегрированная среда разработки с поддержкой различных языков, включая Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, C++, ActionScript, HTML, CSS, javascript и других. Разработчики смогут использовать предлагаемые программой инструменты для написания, отладки и распространения программного кода. В отличие от бесплатной версии Komodo Edit, Komodo IDE имеет встроенный отладчик, HTTP-инспектор, режим просмотра DOM-иерархии для HTML документов, режим древовидного отображения структуры кода, систему наглядного построения регулярных выражений, интеграцию с системами контроля версий. В Komodo 6 появилась поддержка Python 3, HTML5, CSS3, проведена работа по увеличению производительности и многое другое.
Komodo IDE 6 is the professional IDE for Python, PHP, Ruby, javascript, Perl and web development. Whether you develop for Windows, Mac or Linux—or all three—Komodo is a fast, full-featured IDE that you can rely on. Komodo IDE has a wealth of features to help you get your development work done faster, while staying out of your way so you can focus on your code. Komodo IDE 6 adds a Database Explorer, Publishing, a re-designed Places/Project Manager and is much faster. With Komodo 6 we've spent a lot of time working on performance to make your development go faster. Switching, opening and closing tabs is much faster. Startup and shutdown time is faster. Some edge cases with very large files have been improved. In general Komodo editing is much snappier. Komodo 6 is now based on the same Mozilla sources as Firefox 3.5, from which you'll also enjoy a good speed boost.
Komodo 6 includes a re-written Toolbox system to make it more extensible and more useful. A Komodo tool (shell command, snippet, macro, abbreviation, custom menu, etc.) is now just a simple JSON file in a tool directory. Extensions can now provide tools and tools in Komodo projects are in a ".komodotools" directory: more source code control-friendly and shareable. In addition, Komodo 6 includes a new fast "Invoke Tool" dialog for finding and running tools without leaving the editor. It is like Komodo's excellent "fast open", Mac's Quicksilver, or Emacs' modeline for your set of editor tools.