REAPER - компактный аудиоредактор для создания, редактирования и записи многоканальных аудиотреков с возможностью обработки каждого трека по отдельности. REAPER позволяет применять во время обработки аудио множество эффектов, поддерживает технологии ASIO, Kernel Streaming, WaveOut и DirectSound воспроизведение и запись. Поддерживает работу с файлами в форматах WAV, OGG, MP3, MIDI (чтение) и WAV, MIDI (запись), управление уровнем громкости, изменение границ трека, допускает многоуровневый откат/повтор выполненных операций и многое другое.
Изменения в версии 2.2 (06.04.2008):* Now includes the fantastic new elastique 2.0!
* improved looped recording/playback precision
* better looping midi item precision when item length is not a multiple of sample length
* MIDI overdub/replace: auto-insert of new items defaults to shorter items
* MIDI channel rewriting in sends/hw outs no longer corrupts system realtime/exclusive messages
* looped midi input recording latency fix
* fixed bug resulting in excessive splits when recording using non-overdub/replace to in-project midi items
* rewire slave mode: better samplerate detection/switching
* re-added an old fix for Drumatic3 giving invalid samples (requires extra mainschange cycle on load)
* control surfaces: better updating of mute state on csurf track mute change
* Better drag&drop support dragging files to some plug-ins (Battery3 for example)
* Floating FX windows now size themselves to current FX size (but remember their old positions)
* Option (prefs/buffering/advanced) to disable mmap'd peakfiles (to conserve address space)
* Changed default reginfo filenames for hopefully better Vista compatability
* CPU meter: can now show RT CPU+graph (to show CPU use used by main audio thread)
* VST: performance fix for many plug-ins
* VST: better mouse/keyboard activation for plugins like Kontakt 3
* VST: better handling of resizing UIs when docked/undocked/floating
* dev: new APIs for getting/setting track and track send parameters
* dev: new APIs for manipulating track media items/takes/etc
* dev: API to query BWF info from .wav files
* dev: control surfaces can register themselves behind the scenes to get change notifications
* dev: cleanup of documentation and headers
* dev: easy lookup of command IDs via action list (doubleclick "filter" label)
Интерфейс: англ.
Размер: 4,1 Mb