Arobas Guitar Pro — полноценная рабочая среда для начинающих и продвинутых гитаристов. Программа представляет собой многодорожечный редактор партитур для гитары, бас-гитары, банжо и других струнных инструментов, который позволяет создавать, редактировать, записывать, прослушивать, импортировать и экспортировать партитуры. Arobas Guitar Pro имеет дистрибутивы для платформ Windows, Linux и Mac. Кроме того, интерфейс Arobas Guitar Pro многоязычный с поддержкой русского языка.
Guitar Pro is a complete workshop for all guitarists — beginning or advanced — who wish to improve, write music, or simply use a virtual backing band. Guitar Pro 6 supports all fretted instruments from 4 to 8 strings (guitars, basses, banjo, mandolin, and so on), as well as all and any instruments that can be in your band or orchestra. A complete yet user-friendly multitrack, tablature-centered score editor for stringed instruments, which includes all the usual symbols and specificities of those instruments.
An entire rewrite, this new version is truly a major evolution for Guitar Pro, with its new interface and completely redesigned ergonomy. Characterized by a soberer presentation and leaving more room to the score, access to the various editing and sound-setting tools has been made optimal via a side-panel. You can now open several documents simultaneously, create them from templates, and edit them in full-screen mode.
Many new musical symbols appear along with the possibility to edit over 4 voices, which thus improves writing generally for fretted instruments as well as other types of instruments – such as the piano with the grand staff. Other symbols like the “slash” notation, or multirest and simile signs now help make the score look lighter. A stylesheet has also appeared, for the user to customize his/her scores’ looks entirely, in classical or jazz style, and with 70 setting parameters. You can even adjust the sizes of measures by hand with the “design” mode.
As for the RSE (Realistic Sound Engine), a huge leap forward has been made. The soundbanks benefit enormously from being studio-recorded, they include many articulations (thumb, index finger, pick…), tempo is perfectly stable, uploading is almost instantaneous, and you can customize playing styles (fingerpicking, slap, etc.). The RSE opens up to non-fretted instruments by offering over a hundred soundbanks and fifty effect-simulators, many ready-made presets, as well as the possibility for you to create your own effect-chains. The whole thing amounts to 1.8 GB in sound-files, and some additional banks will be added in the near future. What’s more, a new Automations window simplifies editing for changes in tempo, volume, and panoramic.
Возможности Arobas Guitar Pro 6:» Многодорожечная запись партий в виде табулатур
» Мощный нотный MIDI-редактор для всех музыкантов
» Построитель табулатур партий ударных инструментов
» Добавление текста песен и привязка его к нотам дорожек с партией вокала
» Встроенный построитель и определитель гитарных аккордов
» Экспорт созданных партитур в графические и текстовые форматы
» Импорт из MIDI, MusicXML и других форматов, экспорт в MIDI и WAV
» Виртуальный гитарный гриф и клавиатура пианино
» Метроном, гитарный тюнер, инструмент для транспонирования дорожек
» Технология RSE (Realistic Sound Engine), которая делает звук максимально реалистичным
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ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7 / Linux / Mac OS
Интерфейс: Русский / Multilanguage
Размер: 33,3 Mb / 41,1 Mb / 69,8 Mb
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