NVIDIA BIOS Editor (NiBiTor) - утилита для изменения довольно многих параметров BIOS в видеокартах фирмы NVidia, в том числе: загрузка и сохранение любых файлов BIOS Image; загрузка текущего BIOS из памяти; изменение Device ID, Sub Device ID и Sub Vendor ID (встроен список из более полутора тысяч вендоров); изменение внутренних шрифтов; самостоятельная устанавка опций загрузки.
NiBiTor is the original and definitive BIOS tweaker that supports the latest NVIDIA graphics cards, and which is updated on a regular basis. NiBiTor allows graphics card enthusiasts, or the hardcore overclockers to have full control over some advanced features and functionality found on firmware of supporting cards. Doing so users gain some extra performance, enable certain hidden features, tweak memory latencies, provide extensive information, adapt bootup settings, change fan speed options and/or get extra stability on the NVIDIA based graphics accelerators.
Changes in this Version- Added Support for GeForce 9600 GSO
This new version is build upon the logic of the previous version, with some minor fixes and a redesign to support as well unknown devices in a limited way. As always for extra features, settings and support please provide us your original BIOS, so that we can use it as reference to analyze the changes and to code the approriate support of the new video card or new features accordingly.
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